The Best Way To Convincing A Spouse To Save A Marriage

By Kelly Purden

If your marriage is on the verge of falling apart, how do you go about convincing a spouse to save a marriage?

First of all, you have to make your spouse want to stay. Contrary to what you may think, smothering your spouse with attention is not the way to go. Don’t try to nag the person into understanding your point of view either. At this stage in a relationship, the partner would probably be too detached to respond to crying and other emotional appeals. And if they do react, they usually won’t take any of the above attempts in a positive manner.

Attempting to control your spouse’s action through such things as blackmail is also out of the question. Using your children as a reason why the two of you should stay together often has a detrimental effect. And even when it does work, it can cause feelings of resentment in your spouse, not only towards you but also to your children.

If the two of you are constantly arguing, it helps if you calm down and try to speak rationally about your issues. Communication is very important in any relationship, even more so when misunderstandings are becoming more common.


That said; refrain from blaming your marriage problems on your spouse. The best course of action in convincing a spouse to save a marriage is to be upfront about your feelings. Speak from your heart and chances are your spouse will respond positively.

Something that may help in convincing a spouse to save a marriage is to give your partner some space to think. It can help both of you assess the situation more clearly and maybe the next time the two of you talk, your spouse may be more open to discussions about saving your marriage.

Potentially one of the hardest things about convincing a spouse to save a marriage is getting him or her to attend counselling. This is especially true if your spouse is reluctant to fix the marriage anyway. Be calm about it and explain how it could help your marriage. Make sure to phrase it in such a way that your spouse does not feel attacked or criticized.

Be open to your spouse about your concerns and emotions and be willing to listen to what your spouse has to say. You must also be willing to change for the better.

Repairing a marriage may require some work and it helps to take it one step at a time. Why not try spending some time together away from the pressures of your daily life? This may help in bringing some much needed spark into your relationship. If you and your spouse are religious, prayer is always a good starting point. It never hurts to ask for help when it comes to saving and improving your marriage.

Remember that when convincing a spouse to save a marriage, it is best not to coerce your spouse into staying. Sometimes, taking the initiative to change for the better goes a long way in convincing your spouse to stay.

About the Author: Stop divorce now and

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